Motivation to Workout
- Set a Goal
Many people know they “should” workout and exercise but nothing is truly driving them to their full potential. Adding a goal is a great way to motivate yourself to take the first step, getting off your ass. Here is a great way to set a goal:
First, set a crazy goal, one that would make people think you are crazy. Second, set a date and create a contract. Third, sign it and look at it every day. You can make smaller goals like stepping stones to your large goal but your whole desire should focus on the “big one.”
A goal could be to lose 50 lbs, run a marathon, win a crossfit competition, bench 315, it could be anything. Just make sure you set one that is important to you.
- Purpose
Knowing why you are exercising is great motivation to workout. If you are lacking workout motivation, know WHY your are going to the gym. Are you doing it for your spouse, health, figure, your job, or because the new guy at the station is stronger than you? Whatever it is, keep it in the back of your mind and use it when you are lacking the motivation to get up.
- Workout Partner
Find someone better than you, who knows more than you and let them be your workout motivation. “If one wants to be a lion, they must train with lions.” Learn as much as you can and leave your ego at the door when you enter the gym.
- Pick Your Perfect Workout Playlist
We all have songs that “get us going.” Make a great playlist and listen to it before you get to the gym, while you are warming up, and of course, while you are working out and working toward that “big goal.” It could be rap, dubstep, country, or even classical. Whatever touches your emotions in a positive way is the best for you.
- Use Your Imagination
Stop looking at yourself as you are right now, it will only make you stay where you are. What you need to do is look at yourself in a way that you want to be. Close your eyes and imagine what you want to look like, know how good it would feel, know that you have reached your goal. Imagine how healthy, energetic, and alive you feel now that you are who you want to be. Open your eyes, and if you are anything less than what you want to become, get in the gym and make it happen.
If you are looking for a great firefighter tailored program, check out our workouts. Our overall goal is to reduce the growing problem of heart disease and obesity within the fire service. We do charge a small monthly fee but it is only to help spread this to the people that desperately need it. Lets work together and send this to someone you know that could benefit from this, it could save their life, literally.