FD Athlete MEMbership

Join the World’s Largest Firefighter Fitness Community 

Train and Compete Daily with Fellow Firefighters for Less Than $1/Day

“Felt Awesome. Smooth rhythm the whole workout. I’m absolutely loving this program. I’m 37 and have never felt in better shape”

Bryan K


“First time working out in months. Drenched in sweat and feeling great. Feels nice to get back into it. Exactly what I was looking for”

Mark J

FD build

“Took the CPAT on Sunday. Crushed it by 2 minutes!! Thank you so much for helping me prepare. I owe it all to this program”


FD ignite

“I used this program for 2.5 years and had a phenomenal experience. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone in the fire service”

Tom p

FD Build

“Great program. This is programmed appropriately for firefighters and I’m saying this as a licensed physical therapist and athletic trainer”

Jose G

FD Foundation

Definitely saw improvement in my strength and cardio. 100% recommend to all firefighters who need that structured program.”

Olivia p

FD ignite

Ignite Fat loss

Reducing your body fat percentage is important for health, performance and confidence. The more you lose the better you’ll feel, look and perform. Once we get you to a good percentage, that is when we will work on fine tuning your engine.

INcrease on-scene performance

Fitness is more than lifting weights. We must utilize all energy systems to increase overall performance building you into a more well rounded firefighter/athlete. This program will help you excel at your strengths and work on weaknesses at the same time.

Decrease Pain

Mobility and posture are crucial because they help you perform while supporting injury prevention. Our mobility sessions will help fix any issues you have as well as prevent future incidents, so you can be at your best and achieve peak on-scene performance.

Boost Endurance

Supplying your heart and lungs with oxygen-rich blood is essential to health and wellness. That is why cardiovascular endurance is so critical. Our programs will help build your engine while producing stronger and longer work on the fire ground.

Improve Strength

Being a firefighter requires a different kind of strength. Why? Because we lift, pull, drag, and carry heavy objects in awkward positions. That’s a fundamental part of the job. Our focus is on making you a well-rounded firefighter so you can handle any task.

Stay Consistent

We have everything laid out for you so you can stay consistent in your training. With a week of workouts in advance and the support of the community, you should not have a problem getting your workout in for the day. We train together as a family.

our fd athlete membership comes with…

access to all programs

Get access to all four of our firefighter performance training programs with our fd athlete membership.


Training app

Get access to our training app and save, track and compare workout results with firefighters all around the globe.

Weekly training view

Workouts are posted a week ahead of time so you plan your workouts based on your own unique schedule/shift.

community access

Ask questions to the entire FD Athlete family or with your coach through our members only community feed within the app.

nutrition course ($197 Value)

Get instant access to our firefighter proof nutrition course on how to fuel properly according to goals and fitness level.

FD Athlete program

rank structure 

An FD Athlete Membership provides you with access to all four programs. The purpose of these tiers is to offer you a tailored workout according to your current fitness level and support you in progressing through the ranks to enhance your fitness over time. Additionally, you have the flexibility to exercise individually or as part of a crew alongside members in various FD Athlete Programs.

If you’re starting from scratch, our goal is to get you from beginner to advanced in one year.


FD foundation (BEGINNER)

This program is tailored for individuals embarking on their fitness journey without prior experience. We’ll guide you in building the essential components of your fitness foundation, encompassing muscular and cardiovascular endurance, as well as mobility/flexibility, before advancing to our next level, FD Ignite.




2min Cardio
2×20 Leg Lifts
2×10 Cossack Squat
2×10 Groiner
2×20 Glute Bridge
2×20 Scap Push-Ups

Take this slow and controlled and use it as a warm up. Think about priming the body and firing the right muscle groups.


5 Minute Cardio Machine Choice
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Burpees any type
10 pull-ups or jumping pull ups or ring rows

Move with intention. Remember smooth is fast.

(Score is Time)

Groiner Stretch – 2:00/Side
Pigeon Stretch – 2:00/Side
Twisted Cross – 2:00/Side


FD IGNITE (BEGINNER/intermediate )

This program is ideal for those seeking to elevate their workout intensity and enhance cardiovascular endurance and stamina. With a primary focus on conditioning, it is designed to propel you toward your health and weight-loss objectives.




2min Cardio
2×20 Leg Lifts
2×10 Cossack Squat
2×10 Groiner
2×20 Glute Bridge
2×20 Scap Push-Ups


50/40 Cal Machine
40 DB Front Squats 40s/25s
30 TTB or Situps
20 Burpees
10 BMU / 12CTB / 15 pull-ups / 20 RR)

Time CAP: 15min.

*Have a plan here! Gotta move with intention here and have the burst at the end to finish strong!

(Score is Time)


5 rounds of:
5 Push-ups
5 V-ups
5 Star Jumps (jump as high as possible and spread arms and legs at the top of each jump)

*100m Run after each round

(No Measure)



Soft Tissue:
A. Supine Glute Area: with Lax Ball or Tennis Ball 90sec each
B. Adductor Foam Roll 90sec each

A. Pigeon Pose with Twist 2min each side
B. Frog Pose 2min




This program combines functional strength, bodybuilding, and cardio elements to enhance your overall strength, muscular endurance, and physique. Tailored for individuals with prior experience, it’s perfect for those looking to concentrate on making significant gains in their fitness journey.



3min Cardio
2×20 DB Chest Fly (Light)
2×10 External Rotator on Knee (Light)
2×10 Incline Y-Raise (Light)
2×10 Lunge each leg
2×25 Jumping Jacks

Sumo Stance Deadlift
Set 1) 5 reps @RPE 7-8
Set 2) 3 reps @RPE 8-9
Set 3) MAX reps @RPE 9
*Shooting for more than 1 rep on the last set
*Warm-up sets not included
*Rest 2-3min. Between Sets

CHEST: (decline emphasis)
30sec. of Max Effort Feet Elevated Push-Ups
30sec. REST
Repeat For 5 Total Sets.

8-10 Landmine Rows on each arm.
*Use straps today if you can! Helps a lot with grip, so that you can really go heavy.
Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.

10-12 BulletProof Shoulder Complexes.
Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.

8-10 Alternating DB Curls. Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.

1min. of Lee Priest Tricep Extensions
1min. Rest
Repeat For 3 Total Sets.

30-45min LISS CARDIO
30sec. of Weighted Knee Tucks


Soft Tissue:
A. Supine Glute Area: with Lax Ball or Tennis Ball 90sec each
B. Adductor Foam Roll 90sec each

A. Pigeon Pose with Twist 2min each side
B. Frog Pose 2min


FDX (advanced)

This program integrates strength and muscular endurance training with a focus on metabolic conditioning to enhance overall performance. Ideal for individuals with prior experience, it’s tailored for those looking to elevate various aspects of their fitness levels.



2min Cardio
2×20 Leg Lifts
2×10 Cossack Squat
2×10 Groiner
2×20 Glute Bridge
2×20 Scap Push-Ups


Back Squat (Program (week 3 of 4))
5 x 7-8 RPE
3 x 9 RPE
1 x (try for a new MAX!)

(Score is Weight)


50/40 Cal Machine
40 Front Squats 115/75
30 TTB
20 Burpees
10 BMU or  12CTB / 15 pull-ups / 20 Ring Rows)

Time CAP: 15min.
*Have a plan here! Gotta move with intention here and have the burst at the end to finish strong!

(Score is Time)


10 Barbell Bench Press
10 Barbell Bent Over Row
20 Plank w/ Alt. Hip Slaps

Quality focus here. Smooth perfect reps only. Take your time and give me 3 good sets.

(No Measure)


Soft Tissue:
A. Supine Glute Area: with Lax Ball or Tennis Ball 90sec each
B. Adductor Foam Roll 90sec each

A. Pigeon Pose with Twist 2min each side
B. Frog Pose 2min

 test drive the FD Athlete membership for only $1

after your 7-day trial, membership is $27/m. You may cancel at any time.

head coaches



Donny pearson, B.B.A.


Donny Pearson, Founder & CEO of Firefighter Furnace LLC, has a mission: empower firefighters to conquer the challenges of their work through optimal fitness. Driven by this passion, he founded Firefighter Furnace in 2014, leveraging his experience as a firefighter since 2007 and an array of elite personal training certifications. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Tactical Athletic Performance, Donny’s expertise translates into results, evidenced by the tens of thousands of firefighters who have achieved peak performance through his specialized strength, conditioning, and mobility programs. Firefighter Furnace’s impact extends beyond fitness, actively advocating for improved health policies and resources within fire departments.



Phil galaska, B.S. ES


Phil Galaska is a distinguished US Army Captain and serves as the Lead Program Director at Wando. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology, he boasts an impressive array of certifications including CFL2, CF Weightlifting, Adaptive Training Specialist, OPEX CCP, and Precision Nutrition L1. With a decade of experience as a coach and personal trainer, Phil is well-versed in working with a diverse range of athletes, from geriatric individuals venturing into training for the first time, to adaptive athletes, and even elite professionals from the NFL, MLB, and Golf. Additionally, he brings a wealth of expertise in training tactical athletes from the Fire Service and US Special Operations sector.


Dr. Brad Anuszkiewicz, DC, PAK


Dr. Brad is a esteemed Doctor of Chiropractic and a highly skilled Professional Applied Kinesiologist with a specialization in Functional Neurology and Sport-Specific Rehabilitation. With a rich background spanning over 12 years, he has excelled as a coach, a certified USAPL judge, and a seasoned personal trainer. Dr. Brad brings a wealth of experience working with athletes of various levels, from geriatric individuals taking their first steps into training, to adaptive athletes, and accomplished professionals in the NFL. Additionally, he has provided expert guidance to track athletes associated with the esteemed US Olympic teams.


Anthony Mack, MS, CSCS


Anthony “AJ” Mack is a distinguished Professor of Kinesiology at CSU, currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Health & Sport Science. With a career spanning back to 2008, he holds a Master’s degree in Exercise Science, is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) accredited by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. Having served as a former Collegiate Strength, Conditioning and Tactical Performance Coach, he brings a wealth of experience working with various college athletic teams and tactical professions, including football, baseball, men’s and women’s soccer, as well as first responders. 


 test drive the FD Athlete membership for only $1

after your 7-day trial, membership is $27/m. You may cancel at any time.

These are serious program that produces serious results and it will require a lot from you. We have created the tools to help increase your overall health and wellness and now it is up to you decide to make a change. Train like your life depends on it and remember, WE CAN’T QUIT 

*You may cancel at anytime. After  7-days you will be charged $27/m. Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results through our firefighter workout programs.


what does the trial include?
We want you to test the programs before jumping in fully. That being said, you’ll get 100% access to everything for the next 7-days to see if it is something you can really commit to.  

If you decide the program is not right for you and your schedule, no worries. We will cancel your account and help point you in the right direction. 

do the workouts require wearing bunker gear?
No, they are created to help you move better both in and out of your gear. However, if you do feel like wearing your gear and the workout allows it. Go right ahead. 

what makes the membership different?
Our workouts are created for firefighters by firefighters and training coaches that know the demands of the job. 

Job performance is always on our mind when programming workouts for each team. 

Even though the programs may be tailored for different goals, they are created in a similar way making it easy to get others involved at the station. 

CAN I GET THIS FOR MY department

Absolutely! Many federal and public sector organizations are currently benefiting from our membership for their health and performance training. To learn more, just click HERE

how does the membership work?
When you sign up, you’ll be taken to a page with your access codes and link to download our training app. You’ll get instant access to your program complete with a whole week of workouts, leaderboards, exercise tutorials and the entire FD ATHLETE community. Workouts for the next week are posted the week prior so you can plan according to your own schedule. 

what equipment do I need?

For FDX and FD Build you’ll need access to a squat rack, pull-up rig, dumbbells, a barbell, weights (preferably bumpers) a place to run. We also program rowing and assault bike work but it can easily be substituted for running based on our cardio conversion chart. 

FD IGINTE and FD FOUNDATION – All you’ll need is a couple sets of dumbbells. Recommended weight for men is a set of 50’s and 35’s. For women we recommend 35’s and 20’s. That is it. 



our guarantee

We want you to experience the whole FD Athlete Membership before fully committing. If you decide it’s not for you, we will cancel your membership, no questions asked. There is no contract. We will also point you in the right direction based on what your goals are.

$1 trial includes


fd Build



one-on-one coaching advice

Training app with leaderboard

community access

Where Should We Send Your FREE 12 Week Workout Program?

PLUS Your Free Firefighter Nutrition Course To Help You Boost Health, Appearance and Perfromance

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Where Should We Send Your FREE 30-Day Nutrition Guide + 10-Day Workout Program?

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HERO Elite Waitlist

Enter your information below and we will notify you when we are open for registration. 

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Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

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5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

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Where should we send your FREE workout from our HERO Training Program?

Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

Awesome, be sure to check your email! Be sure to check out our FREE FB Group - Fat2FitFD

Sign Up Below and We Will Send You An Application!

Looking forward to seeing what we can do for your department

Awesome! Fill out our simple application and we will get back to you!

Where Should We Send It?

Enter your information below and I will send you an email expaining the HERO Elite program in detail... Plus a sample workout!

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Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


Sign up for our FREE Daily Workout Program

Get instant access to HERO Basic

Awesome! Workouts are posted every Monday so keep your eyes open!

Let's Connect!

As soon as you sign up, you will recieve an email with instructions on how we can connect and schedule your free session!

Awesome, check your email! I am excited for you!

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

We are in the process of getting all our ducks in a row. Sign up below to get notified when we are open for registration 

Awesome! Keep your eyes open for any info from us. Until then... stay motivated and best of luck to you and your crew!

HERO Nutrition Course

Get Instant Access to our FREE HERO Video Nutrition Course + Our Printable Nutritonal Cheet Sheet

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Join the Waiting List


Thank you for your interest in HERO Elite! We will let you know when enrollment for members will open again! In the meantime, sign up for the waitlist and we will send instructions on how to activate your FREE trial on our training app!


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Where Should We Send Your FREE Nutrition Guide

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Where Can We Send The Details ForOur FREE 5-Day Challenge?

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Get The Entire First Week of HERO Ignite for Free

Sign up below and we will send you the entire first week of HERO Ignite via emial. 

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