FD Athlete program // Department access

We assist departments in enhancing health and performance using a proven workout method that is effective for individuals at any fitness level.


Download our free e-book crafted by Donny Pearson, CEO of Firefighter Furnace LLC. This guide introduces the FD Athlete program, designed to boost firefighters’ physical and mental fitness through customized workouts and educational content. It aligns with NFPA standards and demonstrates proven benefits and ROI for fire departments.


As the Health & Safety Chief at Joint Base Charleston, I am compelled to share the transformative impact Mr. Donny Pearson has had on our fire department through the FD Athlete Program.

Donny’s expertise in health, exercise, and sports science is evident in the customized fitness regimens he has developed, specifically tailored to meet the rigorous demands of firefighting. His programs directly address common health issues among firefighters such as obesity, high blood pressure, and early-stage diabetes, showcasing a profound understanding of how fitness correlates with our occupational needs.

Since the implementation of his FD Athlete Program, we have observed a remarkable decrease in work-related injuries and workers’ compensation claims, signifying a safer working environment. More importantly, there has been a notable improvement in the overall health of our firefighters. Their increased fitness levels are visible, not only physically — with many showing reduced waist sizes — but also in their enhanced stamina and resilience on the job.

Donny’s ability to connect with and motivate individuals, coupled with his innovative approach to fitness, has cultivated a new culture of health consciousness within our department. His programs are not just workouts; they are educational journeys that engage firefighters on the importance of health and fitness in their professional and personal lives.

The success at Joint Base Charleston has turned Donny into a sought-after figure in firefighter fitness, with other departments within our command expressing keen interest in his training methods. It is without reservation that I attribute the positive changes within our department to Donny’s leadership and the FD Athlete Program. His ongoing contributions continue to inspire and empower our team, making him an indispensable asset to our community.

In summary, Donny Pearson’s introduction of the FD Athlete Program at our fire department has been nothing short of revolutionary. It is a privilege to recommend such a program that not only improves firefighter health but also enhances our effectiveness and safety in serving the community.

Norman B.

Health & Safety Chief

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Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

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5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

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Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

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Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


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HERO Nutrition Course

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