Firefighter Furnace Fitness Terms of Service

PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. Firefighter Furnace is an online fitness and nutrition service available at By registering as a member or using Firefighter Furnace, you agree to the terms of service (“Agreement”), which establishes an agreement between you and Firefighter Furnace. If you do not wish to be bound by this agreement, please refrain from using Firefighter Furnace and our services.

Changes in Terms of Service

Firefighter Furnace may modify these terms of service to comply with updated laws or business requirements. Changes to these terms and conditions are immediately effective for new users. Previous users should periodically check for changes, as new terms become effective within 30 days of posting. If you disagree with any changes to these terms of service, you must discontinue your use of Firefighter Furnace services immediately. By continuing to use Firefighter Furnace services after 30 days, you expressly consent to any changes made and may continue to use Firefighter Furnace Services.

Who May Use Firefighter Furnace Services

You must be at least 18 years old to use Firefighter Furnace or any Firefighter Furnace applications.

Use of Cookies

Yes, we use cookies, which are small files that a site or service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser. This helps the site recognize your browser and capture specific information. We use cookies to understand and save user preferences, track advertisements, and compile aggregate data about site traffic and interactions to improve user experiences.

You have the option to configure your browser settings to be notified of cookie usage or disable them. However, disabling cookies may affect the functionality of some features, impacting your user experience.

Notice to Parents or Legal Guardians

You are fully responsible for supervising and monitoring your child’s activities and use of Firefighter Furnace. If your child is not permitted to use Firefighter Furnace or is under 18 years of age, please contact us so we can promptly disable their account and access.

License to Use Firefighter Furnace Services

Firefighter Furnace grants you a limited license to access and use Firefighter Furnace Services for your personal, non-commercial use.


Without written consent, you may not reproduce, distribute, or publicly display any information or services found on Firefighter Furnace.

Membership Registration

To fully utilize Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services, you must register as a member by providing a username, valid email address, and valid credit card information. It is essential to provide accurate registration information and inform Firefighter Furnace of any changes.

Organizations may also sign up, but if you are the purchasing agent, you are responsible for ensuring that each participating individual complies with and agrees to the terms of service explained in this document.

Account Security

You are prohibited from allowing others to use your account. Safeguard your password and valuable information. If using a shared computer, always log out to protect your account. If you suspect unauthorized access or tampering with your account, notify us immediately.

Payment Fees

Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services offers paid subscription payment plans. If you purchase a subscription, you agree to pay the subscription fee as per the billing terms agreed upon during your account creation. Subscriptions automatically renew upon account creation, and you must cancel to terminate your subscription, unless you signed up as an organization on an annual billing cycle.

Our paid services include:

  1. FD Athlete Membership Individual Subscription (Monthly or Annually)
  2. FD Athlete Fire Department Membership (Monthly)


When signing up for Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services, you grant explicit consent and authorization to us, Stripe Inc, and PayPal Holdings, Inc (our designated payment processors) to automatically charge you for subscription services or single payments.

Subscription Cancellation

You may cancel your subscription for the Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services (FD Athlete Membership) at any time. If you continue to be subscribed without using the services, you must notify us through our “contact us” page (or contact program POC for department membership) to cancel your subscription. Canceling within the Train Heroic Mobile Application will only remove our program from your profile, and payments will continue unless you request cancellation via email through our “contact us” page.

Refund Policy

FD Athlete Membership Individual: Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for FD Athlete Membership. You must request a refund within the first 30 days of your subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us through our “contact us” page at

Firefighter Furnace Department Membership: There are no refunds for the FD Athlete Department Membership.


Firefighter Furnace LLC participates in affiliate advertising programs, earning commissions from clicks on specific links on our website. We are not liable for content on external websites linked from the Firefighter Furnace website and social media accounts. Firefighter Furnace LLC is also part of the Amazon Associates Program, earning commissions from advertising for

Fitness/Nutrition Disclaimer

Firefighter Furnace strongly recommends consulting your doctor before starting any fitness program. If you are under 18, pregnant, believe you may be pregnant, nursing, have heart problems, a history of heart disease, a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, experience chest pains while exercising, smoke, have high cholesterol, or have bone and joint problems that could worsen with physical activity, consult your doctor or fire department physician about specific medical conditions. If your doctor advises against participating in our fitness or nutrition program, stop immediately. If you experience fainting, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, stop immediately.

Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services provide strength, health, fitness, exercise therapy and nutritional information for informational purposes only. Nothing posted or stated through our services or site constitutes professional medical advice. You must be in good physical condition to participate in our fitness and nutrition programs. Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services is not a licensed medical care provider and has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions or determining the effect of specific exercises on medical conditions.

By agreeing to these terms of service, you acknowledge that when participating in any exercise or nutrition program, there is a possibility of physical injury. Firefighter Furnace reserves the right to refuse or cancel your subscription if we determine you have a medical condition. Your use of the Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services constitutes your agreement to comply with the rules outlined in this document.

By agreeing to these terms, you expressly acknowledge and agree that your access, use, and/or involvement with any Firefighter Furnace products or services may involve potentially dangerous and physical activities that may lead to bodily injury, death, temporary or permanent disability. You hereby acknowledge and willingly accept these risks and agree to release and hold Firefighter Furnace harmless from any claims, suits, damages, losses, causes of action, costs, expenses, or liability arising from or related to your access, use, and/or involvement with any Firefighter Furnace Services.

FDA Warning Statement

Supplements advertised by Firefighter Furnace LLC have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Protecting your privacy is crucial to us. Firefighter Furnace will request only the information necessary to provide you with the best service possible. We will not release personal information without your consent. If you have questions after reading our policy, please contact us.

Email Address

When you sign up and subscribe to our Firefighter Furnace Fitness Services, we will request basic information, including your email. Firefighter Furnace will not release, sell, or distribute your email address or any other personal information you may find valuable.

Blood Test and Nutritional Strategy Services

“Firefighter Furnace LLC” engages a subcontractor company “Anchor of Life LLC” for blood testing, consultations, and coaching.

By participating in our fitness training programs through Firefighter Furnace LLC and availing the services of Anchor of Life LLC for blood testing and consultation, you acknowledge and agree to the following liability disclaimer:

Assumption of Risk: You understand and acknowledge that participating in fitness training activities and receiving blood test and nutrition consultation services involve inherent risks, including but not limited to physical exertion, potential for injury, and health-related complications. You voluntarily assume all risks associated with these activities and services, and you agree to release and discharge Firefighter Furnace LLC, its owners, employees, agents, and representatives from any liability arising from any injuries, damages, or losses incurred as a result of participating in the program or using the blood test and nutrition consultation services.

Third-Party Services: Firefighter Furnace LLC engages the services of a subcontractor, Anchor of Life LLC, to provide specialized services to our clients. While we carefully select our subcontractors, we do not assume any liability for the actions, omissions, or errors of Anchor of Life LLC or its personnel. Any claims, damages, or disputes arising from Anchor of Life LLC or the blood test and nutrition consulting services provided by the subcontractor company are the sole responsibility of the subcontractor, and you agree to address them directly with the subcontractor company and not hold Firefighter Furnace LLC liable.

Client Responsibility: You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to provide accurate and complete information to Anchor of Life LLC, including any relevant medical history, allergies, medications, or other pertinent details. You understand that any failure to disclose such information may have adverse effects on your health or well-being and that Firefighter Furnace LLC and its subcontractor Anchor of Life LLC shall not be liable for any resulting damages or losses.

Personal Health and Medical Advice: The blood test and nutrition consultation services provided by Anchor of Life LLC are intended to offer general information and guidance. They do not constitute medical advice or a substitute for professional medical care or diagnosis. You acknowledge that the information provided should not replace consultation with a qualified healthcare professional, and you agree to consult with your own healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or health management plan.

Indemnification: To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Firefighter Furnace LLC, its owners, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including legal fees) arising from or related to your participation in our fitness training program or the use of the blood test and nutrition consultation services.

Privacy: While we take every reasonable precaution to protect your PHI, no data transmission or storage system can guarantee complete security. By participating in our programs and utilizing our services, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with the electronic transmission and storage of PHI and agree that our company and its representatives shall not be held liable for any unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your PHI, except as otherwise required by law. We are committed to complying with all applicable HIPAA regulations. In the event of a breach of your unsecured PHI, we will provide you with timely notification as required by law.

By signing up for our fitness training program through Firefighter Furnace LLC and utilizing the blood test and nutrition consultation services through Anchor of Life LLC, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this liability disclaimer and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, you should not participate in our fitness training program or use the blood test and nutrition services provided by our subcontractor company.

Where Should We Send Your FREE 12 Week Workout Program?

PLUS Your Free Firefighter Nutrition Course To Help You Boost Health, Appearance and Perfromance

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HERO Elite Waitlist

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Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

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5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

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Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

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Where Should We Send It?

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Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


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We are in the process of getting all our ducks in a row. Sign up below to get notified when we are open for registration 

Awesome! Keep your eyes open for any info from us. Until then... stay motivated and best of luck to you and your crew!

HERO Nutrition Course

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