Benchmark Workouts

Below are a few workouts we use in the HERO Elite workout program to test and measure progress. Put your skills to the test and let’s see what you’ve got. Post your score below and don’t forget to tag us on social – #firefighterfurnace


This workout was created to test stamina and core strength in a way that resembles job work. You will be doing 50 burpees and 100 dumbbell snatches. Put your skills to the test and post your time below.

Workout Overview

5 rounds for time:

5 burpees over dumbbell

10 alternating dumbbell snatches

15m waiters carry (Right Side)

5 burpees over dumbbell

10 alternating dumbbell snatches

15m waiters carry (Left SIde)

50/35lb dumbbells

Notes: 20 paces is approximately 15m. Set a cone a 15m and down and back for one round.


This workout will help you find your working pace. The goal is to work at a moderate but consistent pace in order to not redline yourself. Test this workout and pay attention to your pace.

Workout Overview

As many rounds as possible in 20 min:

200m run

8 dumbbell clusters – 50/35

8 pull ups

Notes: Complete each exercise in order as many times as possible in 20 min.

Set of Irons

This workout will test your stamina and your grip, two things crucial to firefighter performance. It’s meant to simulate tough on-scene work by giving you a task to complete. Work at a moderate and consistent pace and let’s see what you’ve got.

Workout Overview

For time:

  • 400m run
  • 400m farmers carry + 10 manmakers every 100m 40/25
  • 400m run

Notes: Start with the run then right into the farmers carry with both dumbbells. Every 100m complete 10 manmakers then finish with another 400m run. After this you will have run 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile farmers carry and 40 manmakers. Place a cone at 50m (65 walking paces) and use it for your distance. For example, walk down and back then perform 10 manmakers 4x.

Engine 54

This workout was created to test strength while fatigued. When it comes down to it, you must be ready to complete any difficult task no matter how tired you are. It’s time to get to work. Can you guess why we call it Engine 54? Let us know in the comments below.

Workout Overview

For time:

3 rounds:

9 power cleans 115/75

3 burpees

3 rounds:

6 power cleans 135/95

6 burpees

3 rounds:

3 power cleans 155/105

9 burpees

Scaled weight men – 95,115,135

Scaled weight women – 65,75,95

Notes: Do 3 rounds at each weight. Your time is when you complete all 9 rounds.


Fire Eater

This workout was created to test endurance and strength. Simulating the effort it takes to perform difficult tasks on the fireground. Think you have what it takes to complete this workout? Let’s see

Workout Overview

For time:

For time:

400m run

20 alternating DB snatches

20 weighted box step overs

200m run

15 alternating DB snatches

15 weighted box step overs

200m run

10 alternating DB snatches

10 weighted box step overs


Rx – 70/50
Scaled – 50/35

Notes: Practice snatches and step overs before choosing weight. Use same weight for both movements. If you do not have a box, use bench or perform step ups on back of engine. For run, place a cone @100m (130 walking paces). Use both dumbbells for box step overs.

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