federal contracting

Firefighter Health and Wellness Specialist 


The firefighter furnace health and wellness program is comprised of doctors, firefighters and professional coaches and Our Mission is to Help Fire Departments REDUCE Injury, Absenteeism and Health Care Cost while IMPROVING Job Performance, Retention and Morale. 

improve firefighter health and wellness for each individual

There isn’t any “one size fits all” approach to nutrition. Everyone is different in their own way. We create holistic doctor prescribed nutrition strategies and educational content for each individual based on a very detailed blood test. Nutrition is the number one reason people, feel, think and perform they way they do. That is why we take this part very serious and label this as the most important part of our Health and Wellness Program.

reduce preventable injury and illness

Balance, stability, mobility and cellular health are the “behind the scene” components of our Health and Wellness Program. Our comprehensive blood work panels and thorough analysis will help detect and repair any hidden issues that cause illness, fatigue and low energy production. Our advanced mobility and stability sessions will help build joint and core strength lowering the chance of “lost-time” injuries. 

boost performance and moral with a proven fitness program

We understand that not everyone is on the same fitness level. That’s why we offer four different versions of the same workout. This way members can workout together, compete and have fun. Our unique strategy to fitness programming has proven itself over and over again and has been used by tens of thousands of firefighters from all over the word.

Track program efficiency

Our team is trained to track, measure and report progress for both the individual and the fire department as a whole. Over time we will provide health, performance and return on investment reports helping you understand the value of our individual approach to firefighter health and wellness.

meet your head coaches

Donny pearson


Donny Pearson founded Firefighter Furnace LLC in 2014. His mission is to reverse the growing issue of heart disease and obesity within the firefighter community. He has held multiple personal training certifications up to an elite/professional level. He started his firefighter career in the U.S. Air Force in 2007 and has helped tens of thousands of firefighters get and stay in shape with a very specific style of strength, conditioning and mobility programming.

“I believe that firefighters are athletes. The only difference is that we have a lot more on the line when it comes to performance. My goal with programming these workouts is to make you a well-rounded and well-oiled machine to be ready for any situation”


Dr. Brad Anuszkiewicz, DC, PAK


Dr. Brad is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Professional Applied Kinesiologist, specializing in Functional Neurology and Sport-Specific Rehabilitation.  He’s been a coach, a USAPL certified judge, and personal trainer for the last 12 years. He’s experienced with all levels of athletes, including geriatrics that have never trained before, adaptive, professionals in the NFL and track athletes with the US Olympic teams

“Most doctors order incomplete labs, that only give a reason to prescribe medications based on your symptoms. The labs we run and how they view them will give you a detailed look at how all of the organ systems in your body interact, helping you understand your health and what you can do to improve it.”


corporate information


Unique entity iD#




cage Code




812990 – all other personal services

611620 – Sports and recreation instruction

611430 – professional and management development training

621511 – Medical Laboratories

713940 – Fitness and recreational sports centers

reach out for more information


phone number

‪(843) 410-9041‬




Where Should We Send Your FREE 12 Week Workout Program?

PLUS Your Free Firefighter Nutrition Course To Help You Boost Health, Appearance and Perfromance

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HERO Elite Waitlist

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Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

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5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

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Where should we send your FREE workout from our HERO Training Program?

Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

Awesome, be sure to check your email! Be sure to check out our FREE FB Group - Fat2FitFD

Sign Up Below and We Will Send You An Application!

Looking forward to seeing what we can do for your department

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Where Should We Send It?

Enter your information below and I will send you an email expaining the HERO Elite program in detail... Plus a sample workout!

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Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


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Awesome! Workouts are posted every Monday so keep your eyes open!

Let's Connect!

As soon as you sign up, you will recieve an email with instructions on how we can connect and schedule your free session!

Awesome, check your email! I am excited for you!

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

We are in the process of getting all our ducks in a row. Sign up below to get notified when we are open for registration 

Awesome! Keep your eyes open for any info from us. Until then... stay motivated and best of luck to you and your crew!

HERO Nutrition Course

Get Instant Access to our FREE HERO Video Nutrition Course + Our Printable Nutritonal Cheet Sheet

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Thank you for your interest in HERO Elite! We will let you know when enrollment for members will open again! In the meantime, sign up for the waitlist and we will send instructions on how to activate your FREE trial on our training app!


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Where Should We Send Your FREE Nutrition Guide

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Where Can We Send The Details ForOur FREE 5-Day Challenge?

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Get The Entire First Week of HERO Ignite for Free

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