Welcome to the Firefighter Furnace Health and Wellness Program.  Below you will find information on what we do, how to get started as well as contact information for any assistance. 

WHAT WE provide


The Metabolomix+ nutritional test is one of the most comprehensive nutritional profiles available, measuring over 125 markers that tell you about your body’s function.

Your body’s chemistry is unique, like a fingerprint. Testing can uncover your individual nutrient needs so you can give your body exactly what it needs to live your best life!


Nutrition is the number one reason you look and feel the way you do. That’s why we take this part very serious.

Your nutrition strategy will include personalized nutritional recommendations and information about the nutrient’s function, causes and complications of deficiencies, and dietary sources.



Firefighters are athletes. Except for us, our lives depend on our performance. We keep that in mind when designing workouts every single day. 

Our daily fitness and mobility program has been used by tens of thousands of firefighters from all over the world and is proven effective no matter what fitness level you’re in. 


We don’t just tell you what to do, we teach you why and guide you along the way. 

Whether you struggle with health issues, exercise form, behavioral issues or addiction, we’ve got your back through peer support, educational videos and professional counseling.

get started in two simple steps

Fill out your health questionnaire

  1. Fill out our Health Questionnaire
  2. Complete and Ship the Comprehensive Nutritional Test*

*Please note that this process may take a few weeks due to shipping, analysis and  delivery of your nutrition strategy. Save this page in your favorites and come back to it when you receive your test.



download the app and start training

  1. Download the Train Heroic App
  2. Create a profile and select “I have a Coach”
  3. Enter your department access code
  4. Start training and complete the Fitness Assessment 

Your department access code:



contact information


For any questions regarding lab results or your nutrition strategy



Email for personal questions. For general questions about the fitness program, please use the trainheroic app

behavioral health

Text (____) to 1.833.698.7864

(SUPPORT) for our peer support hotline

(COUNSELING) for our professional counseling

(TREATMENT) for our treatment against addiction


Where Should We Send Your FREE 12 Week Workout Program?

PLUS Your Free Firefighter Nutrition Course To Help You Boost Health, Appearance and Perfromance

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HERO Elite Waitlist

Enter your information below and we will notify you when we are open for registration. 

Awesome! Be sure to check your email for additional information!

Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

Awesome, check our inbox!

5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

Enter your info below to get instant access or check your inbox!

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Where should we send your FREE workout from our HERO Training Program?

Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

Awesome, be sure to check your email! Be sure to check out our FREE FB Group - Fat2FitFD

Sign Up Below and We Will Send You An Application!

Looking forward to seeing what we can do for your department

Awesome! Fill out our simple application and we will get back to you!

Where Should We Send It?

Enter your information below and I will send you an email expaining the HERO Elite program in detail... Plus a sample workout!

Awesome, Check Your Email! Remember to look in promotions or spam if it doesn't show up.

Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


Sign up for our FREE Daily Workout Program

Get instant access to HERO Basic

Awesome! Workouts are posted every Monday so keep your eyes open!

Let's Connect!

As soon as you sign up, you will recieve an email with instructions on how we can connect and schedule your free session!

Awesome, check your email! I am excited for you!

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

We are in the process of getting all our ducks in a row. Sign up below to get notified when we are open for registration 

Awesome! Keep your eyes open for any info from us. Until then... stay motivated and best of luck to you and your crew!

HERO Nutrition Course

Get Instant Access to our FREE HERO Video Nutrition Course + Our Printable Nutritonal Cheet Sheet

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Join the Waiting List


Thank you for your interest in HERO Elite! We will let you know when enrollment for members will open again! In the meantime, sign up for the waitlist and we will send instructions on how to activate your FREE trial on our training app!


Join the VIP List to be Notified When We Launch Our First Video

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Where Should We Send Your FREE Nutrition Guide

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Join our VIP Wait List

Enter your information below to be placed on or wait list and recieve additional information 

Awesome! You have been placed on our wait list. Be sure to check your email for additional information.

Where Can We Send The Details ForOur FREE 5-Day Challenge?

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Get The Entire First Week of HERO Ignite for Free

Sign up below and we will send you the entire first week of HERO Ignite via emial. 

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