Our mission is to help combat the growing issue of heart disease and obesity within our firefighter community by providing a unique fitness program designed to increase wellness, performance and on-scene longevity.

Train with a Purpose

Join our growing community of firefighters who use the HERO Elite workout program every single day


Increase Mobility

Improve joint mobility, flexibility and decrease pain with our mobility routines


Reduce Injury

Reduce the amount of injuries with our workout specific warm up and recovery sessions


Boost Performance

Improve strength and cardio endurance through firefighter functional fitness

The Right Tool for the Job

Everything you need in one place on our software and training app



Improve form and technique with over 700+ exercise video demonstrations



Stay in touch with your coach and other members in our community feed



Compare workout results with other firefighters on our daily leader-board

I created the Firefighter Furnace HERO Elite Training Program to do my part in eliminating the growing issue of heart disease and obesity within our firefighter community. 

Our goal is to help anyone who struggles with weight, body fat, strength and performance by giving you the only tool you need to reach elite firefighter fitness. 

HERO Elite was not designed to help you reach a small goal just for you to go right back into the same routine. Our mission is to provide you with an advanced firefighter training program that wont only help you with on-scene performance but with help pave the way for complete health and wellness

I want to invite you into our community of motivated firefighters so you too can experience a total transformation. 

Donny Pearson – Founder

Lbs Lost Since Starting in 2015

Two Ways to Join


Train with a purpose and commit to excellence and join the HERO Elite team on our training app. Communicate, compete and compare to other firefighters around the world who share a common goal of elite firefighter fitness.


Boost wellness, performance and camaraderie within your organization and utilize HERO Elite as a team. Each member of your organization will receive their own access code to the app so they can train both on and off shift.


How Often Is HERO Elite Open?

We only open the doors to HERO Elite 4x per year. We utilize 12-week cycles that are created to improve your strength, stamina and endurance. At the beginning of each cycle we establish a baseline, work towards improving and re-test at the end. The reason we close in the middle is so that we can focus our attention on percentages. For example, if you decided to join in the middle of the cycle, the percentage for a particular lift may be dangerous to attempt. We increase weight and intensity throughout the cycle to help you at a fast but safe pace.

What Makes HERO Elite Different?

I understand what kind of strength and endurance it takes to be a firefighter. I incorporated different exercises that will not only help you with on-scene performance but pave the way to improving your quality of life. What is more important in terms of firefighter fitness, curling a 45lb dumbbell or running a 7-minute mile with a 45lb dumbbell in your hand?

What Equipment Will I Need?

We don’t use machines, we build them. That being said, the only equipment you will need it a barbell, weights, dumbbells, a bench, a place to run and do pull ups. The basics are the basics for a reason, they work. We also understand that not all fire departments have every piece of equipment out there.

What Fitness Level Do I Need To Be In?

All levels of fitness are welcome to HERO Elite. You are able to modify weight and scale reps as needed and still get the same level of intensity required to improve. On top of that, we have two mobility routines a week designed to help you with areas you struggle with such as squat depth or knee and shoulder pain.

In order to succeed, you must challenge yourself every single day. Focus on one workout at a time and stay consistent. That is where the results will come from.

Remember, it doesn’t matter where you started, it’s where you’re going that’s important.

It's the prefect combination of functional fitness and traditional body building we need as firefighters!

Mike J.

Love the new App! The calendar and videos makes it very easy to know exactly what to do.

Glenn M.

Seeing how I measured up against everyone else motivated me to work harder

Mick A.

Amazing program! Plus the morning routine and mobility really helped out with my lower back pain

Courtney S.

Invest in your Greatest Asset

Join HERO Elite as an individual or as a department

Where Should We Send Your FREE 12 Week Workout Program?

PLUS Your Free Firefighter Nutrition Course To Help You Boost Health, Appearance and Perfromance

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HERO Elite Waitlist

Enter your information below and we will notify you when we are open for registration. 

Awesome! Be sure to check your email for additional information!

Where Should We Send Your Free 30-Day Nutrition Plan?

Created Specifically for a Firefighter's Schedule

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5 Step Video Series for Elite Firefighter Health and Wellness

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Where should we send your FREE workout from our HERO Training Program?

Plus great tips and tricks from the world of firefighter fitness

Awesome, be sure to check your email! Be sure to check out our FREE FB Group - Fat2FitFD

Sign Up Below and We Will Send You An Application!

Looking forward to seeing what we can do for your department

Awesome! Fill out our simple application and we will get back to you!

Where Should We Send It?

Enter your information below and I will send you an email expaining the HERO Elite program in detail... Plus a sample workout!

Awesome, Check Your Email! Remember to look in promotions or spam if it doesn't show up.

Where Should We Send Your Free Nutrition Template?

Plus training on how to use it


Sign up for our FREE Daily Workout Program

Get instant access to HERO Basic

Awesome! Workouts are posted every Monday so keep your eyes open!

Let's Connect!

As soon as you sign up, you will recieve an email with instructions on how we can connect and schedule your free session!

Awesome, check your email! I am excited for you!

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

We are in the process of getting all our ducks in a row. Sign up below to get notified when we are open for registration 

Awesome! Keep your eyes open for any info from us. Until then... stay motivated and best of luck to you and your crew!

HERO Nutrition Course

Get Instant Access to our FREE HERO Video Nutrition Course + Our Printable Nutritonal Cheet Sheet

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Join the Waiting List


Thank you for your interest in HERO Elite! We will let you know when enrollment for members will open again! In the meantime, sign up for the waitlist and we will send instructions on how to activate your FREE trial on our training app!


Join the VIP List to be Notified When We Launch Our First Video

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Where Should We Send Your FREE Nutrition Guide

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Where Can We Send The Details ForOur FREE 5-Day Challenge?

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Get The Entire First Week of HERO Ignite for Free

Sign up below and we will send you the entire first week of HERO Ignite via emial. 

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