Eat Like Your Ancestors



If you feel like you are not getting the most out of your food or you are having trouble losing weight while eating healthy, you may want to look into eating foods specifically for your blood type. Sounds crazy but we all carry ancestral traits that make us different. It is why a lot of people can say “ I could go without meat” or “I could live off steak and seafood alone”. It all depends your ancestors, what they ate and how your body breaks down food. Type O and A are the most common blood types and there is something you should know if you need help losing weight, meeting fitness goals or just living an overall healthier life.  Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo spent most of his life studying this theory has changed the lives of many people around the world.


Lets jump right in


Type O



People who are type O have more stomach acid than those who don’t, meaning they can break down proteins and fats easier. Not only can they better break down cholesterol from animal products but they can heal digestive tracks quicker and absorb more calcium.


However,  having the ability to break down meat and fats easier comes at a cost. People who have type O blood have a hard time breaking down simple carbohydrates, especially from grains, than someone who isn’t. This can cause unwanted weight gain and inflammation.


Type O and Stress


When it comes to our ancestors and science, type O’s have to battle with emotional stress more than others. It is because they have more of a fight or flight response, which is awesome, but when you’re not chasing down a buffalo or fighting a house fire you become bored. This causes depression, hyperactivity, stress and many other chemical imbalances.


This is why a type O can perform crazy, physical and unordinary tasks but will fall asleep when behind a computer for more than 3 minutes.


As a type O you need to make sure everything is in balance. For example, minerals, hormones, acidity levels and much more. This will help you lose weight, stay sharper and overall feel better. The best way to make this happen is through your diet. Some foods that you hear are healthy could hurt a type O, such as avocados.


Here is a list of foods that are beneficial, neutral and some that must be avoided at all cost for a type O


Meat and Seafood

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Beef Chicken Pork
Lamb Turkey Ham
Snapper Tuna Bacon
Salmon Oysters Catfish



As you can see, dairy and type O’s do not mix

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
mozzarella eggs milk
soy milk yogurt
butter cheddar
ice cream


Fats, Nuts and Oils

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Olive Oil Sesame Oil Corn Oil
Pumpkin Seeds Almonds Cashew
Walnut Sunflower Peanut


Beans, Peas, Pastas, Grains

See how there are not many benefits?

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Black Eyed Black Beans Kidney Beans
Chickpeas Bread
Oatmeal Flour
Brown Rice


Fruits and Vegetables

Try to get the most of your carbs through this

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Broccoli Carrots Avocado
Garlic Celery Mushrooms
Onions Lettuce Sweet Corn
Spinach Tomatoes Melons
Sweet Potatoes Berries
Plums Apples


If you are a type O you may have already noticed that you cut out some of the “avoid” foods already because naturally… you don’t like them.


Overview of type O

  • Meat eaters
  • Needs a balanced diet to keep hormones balanced
  • Should stay away from coffee, dairy and limit carbs


Type A


Those of you who are type A have different characteristics of those who are type O. As mentioned above, type O’s come from a hunter gather time where type A’s can trace their DNA back to civilization where people consumed more grains. That being said, their bodies got used to processing carbohydrates.


Types A’s do not have enough stomach acid to properly digest animal products. They flourish on an all vegetarian diet. Studies suggest that type A’s should eliminate meat and focus on organic, fresh and pure eating habits to remove toxins and encourage weight loss. Sounds crazy but worth a shot. 


Type A and Stress


Stress comes and goes but to a type A it may be more intense. For example, a type A person has a higher chance of developing bad sleeping habits or obsessive-compulsive disorder than those who aren’t. This is due to having higher cortisol levels. However, eating an organic/vegetarian diet will help regulate it.


It is recommended that type A’s limit sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Eating small meals throughout the day and actually chewing food more is important for regulating blood sugar and maximizing overall health.


Here is a list of foods that are beneficial, neutral and some that must be avoided for type A’s


Meat and Seafood

Type A’s can handle some lean meats and seafood

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Snapper Chicken Beef
Salmon Turkey Lamb



See a pattern, this is why dairy has been eliminated from a lot of diets

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Soy Milk Yogurt Milk
Eggs Cheddar
Mozzarella Cottage
Ice Cream


Fats, Nuts and Oils

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Olive Oil Sunflower Sesame Oil
Peanuts Almonds Corn Oil
Pumpkin Chestnuts Brazil Nuts
Hazelnuts Chashwes


Beans, Peas, Pastas, Grains

More options for a type A

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Black Beans Brown Rice Regular Flour
Black Eyed Whole Wheat
Red Beans
Rice Flour
Oat Flour


Fruits and Vegetables

Also the best way to consume carbohydrates

Beneficial Neutral Avoid
Broccoli Avocado Cabbage
Garlic Asparagus Sweet Potato
Parsley Carrots
Spinach Lettuce


If you are a type A  you may have already noticed that you cut out some of the “avoid” foods already because naturally… you don’t like them. 


Overview of type A

  • Plant eaters
  • Can handle some lean meat but mostly seafood
  • Should stay away from dairy and coffee

Remember that everyone is different but this is a good guide to help you find the perfect diet for you. This will work very well with the Firefighter Furnace Workout Program and you may see results faster than expected by make small choices in the grocery store. 

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