
We are going to prepare a great tasting pork, quinoa and brussel sprouts meal for the beginning of the week (6 meals) and a more basic bro type meal for the end of the week (8 meals)

We are going to try a couple of new things this week. We are going to make overnight oats for breakfast and protein peanut butter and jelly for a pre-workout snack (S)

Just remember to check to make sure you don’t already have ingredients and to use the hand method for measuring macros.

TIP – 1 cup of rice or quinoa creates about 3 meals for a mesomorph when cooked. Also, when shopping for chicken breast, I get two meals out of one large chicken breast (cut 1/2 long ways)

Grocery List


  • brussel sprouts – 6 servings
  • baby spinach – big bag if possible
  • salad veggies – get what you like but get enough for 8 salads

Dense Carbs:

  • quinoa – small bag if possible
  • sweet potatoes – 8 servings
  • whole wheat bread – low calorie
  • steel cut oats – small pack
  • bananas – 4


  • natural peanut butter
  • coconut oil – unrefined
  • avocado – 2
  • almond milk – small


  • eggs – 12
  • pork sirloins – 6 servings
  • chicken breast – 8 servings
  • turkey lunch meat
  • greek yogurt – 1 cup plain
  • quality protein powder – favorite flavor


  • coconut sugar
  • Braggs liquid aminos
  • local honey
  • quality salad dressing – balsamic preferably
  • cinnamon
  • chia seeds (optional)
  • quality garlic powder





Simple breakfast sandwich with fired eggs, spinach and avocado


Pork sirloin with brussel sprouts over quinoa


Protein peanut butter and jelly sandwich


Pork sirloin with brussel sprouts over quinoa


Overnight protein steel cut oats


Chicken breast, salad and sweet potato for dessert


Turkey sandwich with spinach and avocado


Chicken breast, salad and sweet potato for dessert




Cook breakfast every morning. Fry eggs in either olive oil or coconut oil. place on bread with spinach and avocado. Remember your macros. Count the oil you use and the amount of bread for your dense carbs.

L1 and D1:

Cook quinoa – 6 servings and set aside

In a bowl, mix:

  • 3 table spoons of liquid aminos
  • 3 table spoons of coconut sugar
  • garlic powder
  • pork sirloins

In a skillet:

  • pre-heat with coconut oil
  • cook pork sirloin 4-5 min each side until done
  • set aside

In the same skillet:

  • add 6 servings of brussel sprouts cut 1/2
  • leftover marinade
  • add 1/4 cup water
  • cover and cook for 10-15 min stirring every 2-3 min

Distribute the quinoa, brussel sprouts and pork into evenly into 6 containers. allow to cool then cover and refrigerate.


Prepare this meal right before you eat it.

In a bowl, mix:

  • 1 servings of peanut butter
  • 1 table spoon of greek yogurt
  • protein powder – slightly less than a full serving
  • mix until you have a thick consistency

Add jelly and your done. Remember your macros for carbs, one slice for a endomorph. You may also add banana and honey if it fits your macros.



We are going to quickly prepare your overnight oats the night before.

In a cup, add:

  • 1/2 to 3/4 serving of steel cut oats
  • 1 serving of coconut oil
  • almond milk (start with 1/4 cup then add for desired thickness)
  • scoop of protein powder
  • 1/2 banana (cut into small pieces)
  • table spoon of chia seeds
  • cinnamon

Simply leave over night in the fridge and it will be ready to eat. Heat up or eat cold.

L2 and D2:

Grill or bake chicken breast your favorite way – 8 servings

You will prepare a salad at every meal

For dessert:

  • microwave 1 serving of sweet potato
  • remove from skin and mash
  • add 1 serving of coconut oil
  • add cinnamon and local honey and mix


Make a simple turkey sandwich with leftover spinach and avocados



B2, L2, D1


B1, L1, S1, D1


B1, L1, S1, D1


B1, L1. S1, D2


B2, L2, D2


B2, L2, S2, D2


B2, L2, S2, D2

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