Morning Routine That Could Save Your Life

We all have a morning routine, some are good and some are bad. What you do in the morning pretty much paves the way for the rest of the day. Making great decisions during this time can really benefit your health and overall well being. I know a few secrets, a few secrets that could heal injuries, improve heart function, keep your immune system very strong, kill cancer cells and destroys viruses/bacteria – all it takes is waking up 10 minutes earlier than normal.


Here is what you can do and why


First thing you need to do in the morning is squeeze half a lemon and pour two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a large glass of warm water and throw it back.


Apple cider vinegar is full of the “good” bacteria, the kind that eats the “bad” bacteria. Apple cider vinegar also contains acetic acid which can lower blood pressure and put your body in a more alkaline state.


Lemon juice also puts your body in an alkaline state and gives you a boost of vitamin C.


Bacteria/viruses and even cancer forms in your body when it is in an acidic state, this is done by consuming coffee, unhealthy foods, sugary drinks, scientifically designed fats and much more.


When apple cider vinegar and lemons are thrown into the mix, the “good” acid from the two puts your body in an alkaline state. That being said, it destroys bad things in your body. Its science


Second thing you should do is stretch.


What this does is release toxins in your muscles that accumulated over night. Also, what do you think it is getting replaced with? Thats right, the benefits from the concoction you made and consumed first thing in the morning. This opens up more cells for more nutrients to go to work. Make sure you stretch your hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, back and shoulders.


You can also add certain rehabilitative/mobility type stretches and exercises too. For example, a lot of people complain of shoulder pain due to not properly warming up before chest day monday. If this is you, I suggest performing rotator cuff exercises and stretches to slowly work your joints to a healthy state. Youtube is great for things like this.


Third thing you should do is to do 50 to 100 of something.


What I mean by this is to do a quick workout to get the blood flowing to help the nutrients go to every part of your body. I would suggest doing body squats, push ups, supermans and if you are feeling really good that morning – burpees.


This will help you stay more alert and energized throughout the day while helping to eliminate most of the bad stuff that is in your body.


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