What is Tabata Training?
Tabata Training is a High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) workout and it only last 4 minutes. It is a quick and effective way of training. It was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Tabata and his team of researchers at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo.
His research included 2 different groups of athletes and a 6 week training program for each. Group A worked out at a moderate intensity for 1 hour a day and 5 days a week. Group B worked out at a high intensity for 4 minutes a day and 4 times per week.
The results showed that Group A improved their aerobic system (Cardiovascular) with little to no improvement on their anaerobic system (Muscle). Group B showed much more of an increase in their aerobic system than Group A and also showed a significant increase in their anaerobic system as well.
The method works!
We are starting to use Tabata in our Firefighter Workout Program.
How to use Tabata.
A Tabata workout only last 4 minutes per exercise but it will be the longest 4 minutes of your life.
It is 20 seconds of work to 10 seconds of rest. It’s that simple, at least until you try it.
Here is an example push up Tabata:
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
10 sec rest
push ups 20 sec
Notice you perform 8 sets for 4 minutes.
The beauty of Tabata training is that you can do it in your living room.
A full Tabata workout can consist of whatever you like. For example, you could perform 3 different exercises in 14 minutes.
Push up Tabata (4 min)
Rest 1 min
Sit ups Tabata (4 min)
Rest 1 min
Plank Tabata (4 min)
Here is a 3 cycle Tabata timer by Ultimate Timer
Try it today!
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If you are looking for a great Firefighter Workout Program, click here.
Good luck and stay safe!