Strength – Deadlift 3×15 reps (slow and controlled, work on form)
rest 3 min
Stamina – 5 sets as fast as possible (all the way through the list is one set)
9 dumbbell thrusters (35# dumbbell guys, 15# dumbbell girls)
9 pullups (if you cannot perform 9 pull ups, do as many as you can and do 9 hanging rows) Demo Here
Rest 5 min
Core – 3 sets
25 butterfly situps
20, 4 count flutter kicks
4 Man Crew
Strength – Each FF complete 3×15 sets of deadlift (slow and controlled, in a line, someone always on the bar)
rest 3 min
Stamina – 2 FF’s race at a time then switch to next 2 FF’s – 5 sets
9 dumbbell thrusters (35# dumbbell guys, 15# dumbbell girls)
9 pullups (if you cannot perform 9 pull ups, do as many as you can and do 9 hanging rows) Demo Here
rest 5 min
Core – Each FF complete 3 sets of
25 butterfly situps
20, 4 count flutter kicks