Have any questions about any of the exercises below? No worries, Check out full demonstration HERE
Strength – Pause front squat
- work up to a moderate weight and do 5 pause front squats
- stay at the bottom for 5 sec and focus on form while keeping elbows up and chest tall
rest 3 min
Complete 4 sets with 3 min rest between each set:
max reps bench press body weight
right into
max reps barbell bent-over rows Guys use 135lbs and girls use 95lbs
- one set is max bench press right into max barbell bent over rows with no rest in between exercises but 3 min rest between sets
- if do not have a spotter use dumbbells, approx 35% of body weight (200lb = 70lb dumbbells)
- there is a lot of rest so push yourself
rest 3 min
Core – accumulate a 4 min plank