Have any questions about any of the exercises below? No worries, Check out full demonstration here
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Strength – Superset pull ups and sumo deadlift high pulls, do a set of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
10 pull ups
10 sumo deadlift high pulls – DEMO Guys use 95# dumbbell, girls use 65#
9 pull ups
9 sumo deadlift high pulls
8,8….. all the way to 1
* if you cannot perform this many pull ups, do as many as you can then finish with jumping pullups (using your jump to get your chin over bar)
Also, if your back gets too tight with the sumo deadlift high pulls, switch to regular high pulls
rest 4 min
Core – Plank Tabata (20 secs of work and 10 secs of rest for 4 minutes
rest 1 min then
Flutter Kick Tabata
Rest 1 min then
Superman Tabata