Have any questions about any of the exercises below? No worries, Check out full demonstration HERE
Be sure to take a photo of you working out and use #firefighterfurnace for a chance to be featured
Strength – Work up to a heavy 2 rep front squat
rest 3 min
work up to a heavy 2 rep push press
- be sure to warm up well and spend about 10-15 min on each exercise
- link for push press at the top of post
Stamina – perform a set of 10 of each, 8 of each,6,4,2…
sumo deadlift high pull – link above
front squat
shoulder to overhead
- guys use 95lbs and girls use 65lb – barbell
- you will do 10 sumo deadlift high pulls right into 10 front squats right into 10 shoulder to overhead then right into 8 sumo deadlift high pull…
- repeat pattern until you do 2 of each exercise
- push yourself!
rest 4 min
Core – single arm overhead dumbbell walk
4x50m (each side)
- perform a dumbbell snatch and hold overhead and walk 50m (65 walking paces) switch arms and walk back
- mess around with weight but choose something challenging
- be sure to maintain a tight core and stay upright