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Stamina – 4 sets as fast as possible (all the way through the list is one set)
400m run
10 deadlifts 225#/155# (first number guy, second is girl)
15 toes to bar or hanging knee raises
rest 4 min
Core – 3 minute plank, when you rest, the clock stops and starts again when you do.
4 Man Crew
Stamina – each FF complete 5 sets (when FF1 finishes the 400m run, the next FF starts. Finish and rest until FF4 gets done with 400m run, then start set 2)
400m run
10 deadlifts 225#/155# (first number guy, second is girl)
15 toes to bar or hanging knee raises
rest 4 min
Core – 3 minute plank, when you rest, the clock stops and starts again when you do.